( Voyez aussi sa page principale ) ( see also her main page )

V.F. :

N'est-ce pas une bonne façon d'apprendre l'Anglais ?

V.O. :

Well, not a a bad way to learn English, is it ?

Répondez par : " It is , isn't it ? "


"This important seaport is situated on the south bank of the Tyne, at the north-eastern extremity of the county, and is opposite to North Shields, 9 miles from Newcastle-on-Tyne, 18 1/2 miles north-north-east from Durham, 6 miles from Sunderland, and 276 miles north-north-east from London. South Shields has arisen in modern times from an insignificant village, consisting mainly of a few fisherman's huts, to an important and thriving seaport. It has crept along age after age, and year after year, until now it stretches from the sea to Jarrow, a distance of about 3 miles, and also extends into the adjoining township of Westoe, forming with the latter the municipal borough of South Shields, with an area of 1780 acres."

Contrairement à son nom, South-Shields ne se situe pas au Sud de l'Angleterre, mais au Nord (Les Anglais ne font jamais rien comme les autres, il est vrai, n'est-il pas ?); sur la cote N-E, à l'embouchure de la Tyne. Ceux qui aiment le foot, reconnaîtront les villes voisines : Newcastle ( célèbre par sa bière : la BROWN ALE ) et Sunderland. Le rocher de Marsden ( Marsden Rock, en V.O.) abrite une nuée d'oiseaux braillards et sales ( ils "larguent " n'importe où ) et a vu sa partie centrale s'effondrer l'an dernier. Le document ci-contre, n'est donc qu'un souvenir. Un peu plus vers le Nord, l'Ecosse avec ses monstres ( celui du Loch Ness et le haggis !),se trouve à un jet de pierre.

Contrary to its name, South-Shields isn't in the South of England, but in the North ! ( The English never do anything like others, do they ? ) It is in the N-E, at the mouth of the Tyne. Those who like football will recognise the nearby town : Newcastle ( famous for its BROON ALE ) and Sunderland. Marsden Rock shelters hords of noisy dirty birds which " let go " wherever they want, and its middle part collapsed into the sea last summer. The picture next to this is only a souvenir.
A little further North, you'll find Scotland and its monsters ( the Loch Ness one, and ...haggis )

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