Our exchange group (in Salem)


Name of the pupils


Standing (from the left to the right):                  Sitting (from the left to the right):


 Nathalie Tucoulou (Stacey)                          Benoît Chabord (Ben)

 Duong Thuy                                               Alban DE LARRARD

 Marie-Germaine Istrate                               Julien VIAL (Viacal)

 Anne Fortin                                               Orian REGNIER (Carpor)

 Melanie Boisseau

 Jimmy Pinto (De la Pintada)

 Cedric LE BOUSSE (The Bouc)

 Julien PLANCHE (the dwarf)

 Marion CROISY

 Cyril ARNAUD (Dumbo)

 Clovis NICOT (The Barbarian)

 Florence DUCLOS

 Olivier SOSNOWSKI (Sosno)

 Fleur Albagli (Flower)

 Hans Lawton

 Sandrine LESREL


(click to enlarge)

Our correspondants and us




And our teachers


Mrs Motard and Mrs Lellahi